In Depth

Inside the Lab

Light Lab: Understanding the gut microbiome to treat disease

Step inside Asst. Prof. Sam Light’s lab to learn how scientists are mapping the incredible network of microbes living inside your gut—and how they can affect health or disease.
Light Lab
Step inside Asst. Prof. Sam Light’s lab to learn how scientists are mapping the incredible network of microbes living inside your gut—and how they can affect health or disease.

UChicago Explainer Series

How the microbiome affects your health, explained

Microbes are so impactful that some researchers consider them to be a separate organ.
Artist's illustration of different microbes.
Microbes are so impactful that some researchers consider them to be a separate organ.


UChicago scientists make major advance in quantum sound

Pritzker Molecular Engineering researchers entangled two physically separate resonators
Closeup photo of a metal device with prongs
Pritzker Molecular Engineering researchers entangled two physically separate resonators

Argonne National Laboratory opens ‘Aurora’ supercomputer to researchers

Pioneering exascale system brings advanced capabilities for simulation, AI and data analysis across many fields
Aurora supercomputer
Pioneering exascale system brings advanced capabilities for simulation, AI and data analysis across many fields

Six UChicago scientists awarded prestigious Sloan Fellowships in 2025

Early-career scholars recognized for pioneering work in statistics, physics, chemistry, astrophysics and computer science
Winter snow on campus
Early-career scholars recognized for pioneering work in statistics, physics, chemistry, astrophysics and computer science

Episode 153

Why measles is resurging—and the rise of vaccine hesitancy, with Adam Ratner

Infectious disease expert examines the uncertain future of children’s health
A child with measles
Infectious disease expert examines the uncertain future of children’s health

Episode 152

The little-known secrets to a good life, with Shigehiro Oishi

Psychologist argues to look beyond happiness and meaning to find fulfillment
A smiley face under a magnifying glass
Psychologist argues to look beyond happiness and meaning to find fulfillment

Episode 151

How bioelectronics could heal our bodies and minds, with Bozhi Tian

Scientists design living devices to fight infections, power the heart and regulate the brain
An abstract illustration depicting bioelectronics
Scientists design living devices to fight infections, power the heart and regulate the brain

Episode 150

Could a fungal pandemic be “The Last of Us?” with Arturo Casadevall

Scientists warn against a potential health threat due to climate change, resistance to drugs
Bacteria illustration
Scientists warn against a potential health threat due to climate change, resistance to drugs

Episode 149

What’s the truth about alcohol’s benefits and risks? with Tim Stockwell

Research on red wine and moderate drinking were skewed, scholar claims
A bartender pours a glass of red wine
Research on red wine and moderate drinking were skewed, scholar claims

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Inside the Lab

Education Lab: Using tutoring to reverse pandemic-era learning loss

Learn how UChicago experts are working with school districts nationwide to tackle learning loss and scale solutions to set students up for success.
An instructor works with a student at the Education Lab
Learn how UChicago experts are working with school districts nationwide to tackle learning loss and scale solutions to set students up for success.

UChicago Class Visits

UChicago students engage their senses outside the classroom

Undergraduates create art by listening, touching, tasting and smelling our impact on the environment
A college student sits on stone steps outside while sketching or writing on a piece of paper.
Undergraduates create art by listening, touching, tasting and smelling our impact on the environment

Meet A UChicagoan

Unraveling the ancient past, one tablet at a time

UChicago student Danielle Levy finds passion for the Akkadian language through Core curriculum
Danielle Levi
UChicago student Danielle Levy finds passion for the Akkadian language through Core curriculum

UChicago Explainer Series

View All Explainers


Carbon-14 dating, explained

First developed in the late 1940s at UChicago, carbon dating can determine the age of organic materials as old as 60,000 years.
A 2,000 year old painted wood mask from an ancient Egyptian coffin.
First developed in the late 1940s at UChicago, carbon dating can determine the age of organic materials as old as 60,000 years.

Improv, explained

Modern improv comedy began at the University of Chicago in the 1950s.
A chair on stage
Modern improv comedy began at the University of Chicago in the 1950s.